At Udtaleappen owned by EyeJustRead we care very much about you and your child’s privacy. As the creator behind the product Udtaleappen, we involve many experts throughout the development process to make sure to uphold a product quality and safety for your child. We follow the best practices as specified by the “Know what’s inside” program and aim to comply with The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). We are upfront about what our apps contain, so there are no hidden surprises.
Child-friendly app
- No in-app purchases
- No third party advertising
- No social media integration
- No collection or sharing of personal information
Data Storage
All data in Udtaleappen is stored on servers located within the European Union.
Data Collection
We don’t collect any personally identifiable information about the users of our apps. We do collect anonymous usage statistics to help us improve our apps.
Why collect any information inside an app?
Anonymous usage statistics, also called analytics, help us improve the experience of Udtaleappen once it has been released. If we had no analytics, we would have no idea if anyone is using our apps, if they are getting stuck on certain screens or if the app crashes.
We may contract third-party service providers/experts to assist us in better understanding our App. These service providers are not allowed to use the information collected on our behalf except to help us conduct and improve the business, service and experience of the App Udtaleappen. So long as those third-parties agree to keep this information confidential and uphold the law in regards to the security of storing such information.
What kinds of information?
- Firstly, we collect NO personally identifiable information. So not your phone number, where you live, photos, anything. Any usage statistics are anonymous and there is no account signup process in our apps.
- We do store which device you are using and the version of the operating system.
- How long the app was used for, how many times it has been opened.
- Which screens/characters/features are most popular.
We do not collect any personal information from children. If you believe we have mistakenly collected such information, please contact us so we can resolve the issue.
Læseappen at schools or public institutions
Teachers and pedagogical employees at schools and institutions login using Unilogin. As mentioned above we save no personal information in Læseappen so in line with the policy from STIL (Styrelsen for IT og Læring) no formal data agreement is needed before using Læseappen. Further information is found here.
Request a free trial
Teachers and pedagogical employees at schools and institutions can request a free Udtaleappen trial. This can be done by logging in using unilogin, and then fill out the small signup form. A trial can also be requested using our signup formula. We store your contact information to follow up on your trial period. No information is shared with any third party.
Your Consent
By using our app, you consent to our privacy policy.
Changes to our Privacy Policy
If we change our privacy policy, we will update the Privacy Policy modification date below.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us using the contact formula on our website.
Latest update
2024-02 -08